
Intess Residential Energy Storage system

GRP Intess Residential Energy Storage system

The Intess residential graphene power battery is designed specifically for efficient in-house energy storage.

Harnessing the power of graphene, this battery system excels at capturing and preserving solar energy while complementing it with grid power when needed, all at the lowest possible cost. Our Intess mobile app takes charge of regulating the charging and discharging processes, intelligently responding to cost-effective tariff options.

As a result, customers can expect a substantial reduction in their electricity expenses. Additionally, any surplus energy stored at lower rates can be sold back to the energy provider for a higher return.

Within the GRP Intess Series, we offer two distinct models of graphene power batteries: the wall-mounted option and the versatile mobile stackable model.

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Both models boast storage capacities ranging from 5KW to an impressive 30KW.

Furthermore, our comprehensive system includes a hybrid inverter and an advanced Battery Management System, ensuring seamless and efficient operation.

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Graphene Power Battery

Cutting-edge energy storage systems

At GRL Global Regen, we firmly believe that the GRP Graphene Power Battery represents the pinnacle of energy storage solutions across a wide array of applications. Join us in ushering in a new era of energy efficiency and sustainability with our groundbreaking technology.


GRL Global Regen PTE Ltd.

20 McMallum street

#19-01 Tokyo Marine Center



+90 549 6606320

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